Lighthouse: O N / light art exhibiton
August 18
Csokonai Theater
The event starts at : August 18 2020 17:00.
And lasts until 22:00.
The ticket fee is: Free.
Images. Light/images. Moving lights. Moving images.
Moving/light/images. Framed and free flowing light waves, sculptural
light objects. The ON sight specific group exhibition presents works by
artists of Lighthouse light art society at an unusual location by
utilizing the special atmosphere of Csokonai Theatre in Debrecen and
turning it into an impromptu art gallery.
The artworks, symbolizing
the constant change and variable permanence, invite the audience to
experience light in its many forms in person. The analogue and digital
light art pieces and kinetic installations present the opportunity to
explore manmade structures, reflective surfaces and light as a medium.
Kreatív menedzsment / Creative management: KOVÁCS Andrea, HECKLER Krisztina, Let it Be! art agency
Arculat / Design: MÁKÓ Rozi
Web design / Web design: KAINCZ Orsolya
Technikai vezető / Technical manager: BUCZKÓ Bence
Szervezők / Organizers: BORDOS László Zsolt, dr. PUSKÁS István
Társszervezők / Co-organizers: Csokonai Színház, Debreceni Virágkarnevál, Debrecen